How Long Does It Take To Play 18 Holes Of Golf? | All answer

If you’re curious about the game of golf and have been thinking about trying your hand at it, you’ve likely wondered: how long does it take to play 18 holes of golf? It’s a fair question—after all, golf can be quite an involved activity with its numerous rules and regulations. Fortunately, playing 18 holes of golf doesn’t necessarily involve a full day on the course. In fact, there are factors that can lead to shorter or longer games. Read on as we explore what usually goes into a round of 18-hole golf so that by the end you have a better sense of estimated time for completion.

Overview of riding in a golf cart vs walking

Riding in a golf cart vs walking
Riding in a golf cart vs walking

Riding in a golf cart may not always lead to faster play, despite assumptions. Consider the scenario where two players are riding in a cart. If they travel to the first player’s ball, observe their shot, and repeat the process for the second player, these waiting periods accumulate over the 18 holes, resulting in increased course time. On the other hand, when feasible, Player Two can walk to their ball after arriving at Player One’s ball and prepare for their shot once the other player finishes. Player One can then pick up Player Two in the cart and proceed to the next shot. This approach can help reduce playing time. Walking allows each player to move directly to their ball without having to wait on their playing partner, often resulting in quicker play.

Numbers of players in golf group

Group size will naturally impact the duration of playing 18 holes of golf. Playing solo as a single player, you can potentially complete your round in as little as 2 hours and 30 minutes. As players are added to your group, you can expect the time to increase by approximately 30 minutes for each additional player. A group of two could finish in 3 hours, a group of three could complete the round in 3 hours and 30 minutes, and, on average, a foursome could take 4 hours to play 18 holes of golf.

Checking in and time to warm up before golf round

To ensure a pleasant golf round, we recommend arriving at the course approximately 30 to 45 minutes before your scheduled tee time. This will allow you ample time to check in at the golf shop and grab refreshments, snacks, and practice balls for warming up prior to your round.

After dedicating 15 to 20 minutes to practice swings on the driving range, it is advisable to check in with the starter to ensure a prompt start at the first tee. Following this, allocate five to 10 minutes for practicing your putting skills, acquainting yourself with the green speeds before commencing your round.

How long does it take to play each hole of golf?

On a typical golf course, the estimated time to play each hole is as follows:

  • Par-3 Hole: 10 minutes (4 par-3s = 40 minutes)
  • Par-4 Hole: 13 minutes (10 par-4s = 2 hours and 10 minutes)
  • Par-5 Hole: 16 minutes (4 par-5s = 1 hour and 4 minutes)

Please note that these times are approximate and may vary depending on individual factors.

How long does it take to play 18 holes of golf?

The average golfer typically takes around 90 shots to complete 18 holes. The average time to play 18 holes of golf is approximately 3 hours and 47 minutes for a foursome.

How long does it take to play 18 holes of golf if playing alone?

When playing alone, the average time to complete 18 holes of golf ranges between three and four hours. It’s important to note that golfing alone allows for more shots and experimentation, with less emphasis on pace of play. However, it is advisable to be mindful of your pace if you are playing ahead of a group to avoid any potential inconvenience.

How long to play 18 holes of golf if playing in a group?

Playing golf in a full group doesn’t simply multiply the average time it takes to play alone by four. As each player takes their shot, they measure distance, choose a club, and prepare to hit their ball when others are finished. With everyone following this approach, there are approximately 20 seconds between shots and an additional two minutes or so per hole. The same concept applies to the greens, where you can benefit from others’ perspectives to get a read on your putt. This results in fewer putts and less time spent on the green. Moreover, playing in a foursome offers the advantage of having four sets of eyes to help locate your errant drives.

How long does it take to play 18 holes of golf with a cart?

A typical round of 18 holes with a cart generally takes between 3 to 3 ½ hours. This duration assumes an average game with a group of 4 golfers, without any extended ball searching or slow play. However, it’s important to note that the pace of play can be affected by the speed of golfers ahead of you, which may sometimes cause inconvenience.

Number of players Lowest avg. time with cart Highest avg. time with cart
1 1h 30min 5h
2 2h 5h 20min
3 2h 40min 5h 40min
4 3h 6h

Does time of day matter playing time of 18 golf holes?

The time of day does indeed impact the duration of playing 18 golf holes. In the morning, being the first to tee off sets the pace for the day, resulting in a faster round of about three and a half hours. Conversely, teeing off around 1 pm, particularly on weekends when courses are busiest, significantly slows down the pace. Therefore, expect a much longer round when playing during the mid-afternoon.

Does a cart really matter playing time of 18 golf holes?

A cart really matter playing time of 18 golf holes
A cart really matter playing time of 18 golf holes

The influence of a cart on the playing time of 18 golf holes is a matter of consideration. While it allows you to set your own pace and move swiftly when the course is empty, it primarily aids in preserving energy and providing respite on a hot day in busier times.

What affects the 18 holes holes playing time?

The duration of 18 holes with a cart is influenced by various factors:

Golf course occupancy

The pace of play depends on the traffic on the golf course. On busy days, it may take longer as you may need to wait for groups in front of you.

Skill level

The time can be affected by the skill level, including the frequency of lost balls and the time spent searching for them. The ball search time has been reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes to speed up the game.

Golf course design and lengt

The type and design of the golf course can impact playing time. For example, deep roughs and frequent missed fairways may result in longer search times for balls.

Number of players

The time required can vary depending on whether you’re playing alone or with others. More players generally mean more shots and potential delays.

Factors out of control affect how long to play 18 golf holes

Factors out of control affect time to play 18 golf holes
Factors out of control affect time to play 18 golf holes

Factors that may impact the duration of 18-hole play, beyond your control, include the number of players in a group, the gap between tee times (ideally 10 minutes), the level of difficulty of the initial holes, and the presence of a par-three within the opening few holes – particularly when tee times are closely spaced.

The Tee Time Intervals

Tee time intervals are established by the course and can range from eight to 15 minutes. These intervals determine the number of tee times and players on the course within a given hour. For example, seven and eight-minute intervals can accommodate up to eight tee times, potentially allowing 32 players on the course in an hour.

Course Difficulty & Setup

The maintenance and setup of the course can impact the duration of your round. Difficult courses with numerous obstacles, such as water hazards, sand bunkers, trees, or out-of-bounds areas, can result in higher scores and increased time on the course. Additionally, faster green speeds can also affect the time it takes to complete each hole, especially for amateurs.

The Weather Conditions

Weather conditions, including temperature, rain, and wind, can also affect your playing time. Temperature influences ball flight, with warmer conditions being more conducive to longer distances. Rain can make the course wet, affecting how far the ball rolls. Moreover, adverse weather conditions may require additional layers of clothing, potentially restricting your swing and affecting your overall performance.

How many minutes between tee times in golf?

Most golf courses typically schedule tee times at intervals of 8 to 12 minutes. Occasionally, they may alternate between different intervals, such as 8 and 9 minutes between tee times.

How should pick the tees to play 18 holes of golf?

Based on our research, selecting tees at approximately 3600, 4400, 5200, 6000, and 6800 yards, with combination tees spaced approximately 400 yards apart, will offer suitable options for 95% of golfers when playing an 18-hole course.

Why time to play 18 holes of golf quicker as you improve?

Playing fewer shots in a round of golf reduces the overall time it takes to complete 18 holes. By cutting down from, for example, 110 shots to 90, the time spent is unlikely to increase. To expedite play, limit practice swings to one or two and refrain from lingering over putts for extended periods. Faster rounds are guaranteed through these practices.

Why better golfers can take longer to play 18 holes?

Skilled golfers may take longer to play 18 holes due to the strategic nature of the game. As each shot sets up for the next, these players carefully consider various factors to ensure optimal performance. In accordance with the rules set by the USGA, golfers have approximately 40 seconds per shot. While some players utilize the entire duration, this extended time allows them to fully exercise their rights during competitive play. However, during casual rounds, there is no need for such prolonged durations. As long as players are mindful of others and prepare during their shots, the overall pace of play remains relatively unaffected.

FAQ: play 18 holes of golf

How long does it take 2 guys to golf 18 holes?

Two individuals can complete a round of golf, consisting of 18 holes, in approximately three hours.

Can you play 18 holes in 2 hours?

Playing 18 holes in 2 hours is an exception rather than the rule. However, theoretically, it is possible, but only for experienced players who are familiar with the course and have favorable weather conditions. Typically, a full par-72 course takes around 4 hours to play, while a par-3 course with 18 holes can be completed in approximately 2 hours.

How many clubs do you need to play 18 holes?

During any round, it is necessary to play with a maximum of 14 clubs. Adding clubs during a round that begins with fewer than 14 is permissible until the 14-club limit is reached. In the event of exceeding the 14-club limit, it’s crucial to promptly remove the excess club or clubs from play, following the procedure outlined in Rule 4.1c.

6 thoughts on “How Long Does It Take To Play 18 Holes Of Golf? | All answer”

  1. It depends. How serious are you about the score?

    A tour pro can take 5 1/2 hours (and remember, there’s not a whole lot of looking for balls on tour).
    Playing by yourself, with a power cart, and not really caring about the score – as little as 2 hours.
    Typically in North America – 4:00 to 4:30
    At a charity tournament (full of hackers) – about 5 hours normally

  2. Thank you for the this post. It has made golf fun again (understatement) after years of “over trying” and being frustrated. I have gone back and watched almost every video on here. Some more than once.

    I am on my way to the 80s and can’t wait for my next two hours on the chipping and putting green. I love looking over at the driving range and seeing so many people just banging drive after drive. Searching for something they will continue to chase while the Waddaplayas hone the things that matter.

    Genuine thanks and please keep doing what you do!

  3. The average length of an 18 hole round of disc golf is around 1-2 hours, depending on how fast or slow you play, respectively. A 9 hole round can take you from 30 minutes to 1 hour. A 24-27 hole round will take you anywhere from 1 1/2 hours to 3 hours. More than 27 holes: 2 to 4 or more hours.

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