How To Fix Slice Golf? – Best Golf Slice Practice Guide

If you’re a golf enthusiast, you know that there’s nothing worse than hitting a slice. And if it seems like this is an all-too-familiar problem for your game–and one that just won’t go away no matter how hard you practice or what pieces of advice people give to try and help fix the issue — then it’s time to get serious about finding real solutions. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some effective tips on how to fix slice golf by focusing on improving your swing technique and other attempts at remedying the issue. Read on to discover strategies that will have you scoring lower handicaps in no time.

What is slice in golf?

The slice in golf
The slice in golf

A slice in golf refers to the occurrence when a sidespin is applied to the ball, resulting in a curving trajectory to the right for right-handed players and to the left for left-handed players. This sidespin to the right is generated when the clubface is open (pointed right) in relation to the path of the club as it strikes the ball.

What causes a slice in golf?

A slice in golf is caused by a clubface that is open to the target and open to the path. The severity of the slice is determined by the degree to which your clubface is open. The positions you establish at setup and the top of your backswing will determine whether you can align the clubface at impact and achieve a straight drive.

Why do you slice golf a driver but not irons?

The slicing of a driver but not irons is a common mistake made by many amateur golfers. This discrepancy arises due to the difference in length between drivers and irons, with drivers being several inches longer. As a result, the increased club length and greater distance from the golf ball make it more challenging to square the clubface and time the swing properly. Additionally, golfers often exert more effort when attempting to maximize their driving distance, further exacerbating the issue.

How to fix slice golf? (in shot)

To fix a slice in golf, there are a few key steps on how to fix slice golf you can take:

Nail the Setup and Alignment

Ensure that your feet, hips, shoulders, and clubface are all parallel to each other and aimed at your target. This will help you maintain the proper path for your swing.

Strengthen the Grip

A strong grip can help you square the clubface. For right-handed golfers, slightly turn your left hand to the right, allowing the right hand to sit slightly under the club. This will improve control and rotation of the clubface.

Check Your Ball Position

Place the golf ball off the heel of your lead foot with the driver. If you consistently slice the ball, it may be too far back in your stance. Moving it forward slightly will give you more time to square the clubface on the upswing.

Minimize Wrist Extension at the Top of the Swing

Pay attention to your wrist position throughout the swing. Avoid excessive wrist extension and an open clubface at the top of your backswing. Aim for a flat or slightly flexed wrist position to ensure a square clubface at impact.

Maintain a Square Clubface and Rotate the Body

Ensure that at the top of your swing, your clubface is square and your body is primed for rotation. Avoid pulling down on the handle during the downswing, as this can lead to an outside-to-in swing path and an open clubface, resulting in a slice. Instead, allow your body and core to take over while leaving the club alone at the top.

Rotate Wrists and Body to Square

The Rotate Wrists and Body to Square
The Rotate Wrists and Body to Square

Focus on rotating your wrists and body through the impact zone. This rotational movement generates speed in your swing. Slowing down will not fix your slice. Rotate your wrists until your lead wrist is in a flat position at impact, especially when striking the driver.

Dedicate Time to Practice

Fixing a slice requires practice and repetition. Spend time on the driving range working through these steps. Be aware that trying to fix a slice in the middle of a round is challenging. It is also helpful to use a HackMotion device on the range to receive alerts when you are in the correct position.

Check your golf grip to fix slice

Ensure a proper golf grip to rectify slicing issues. It is preferable for someone to grip the club firmly with their palm on top or with a stronger palm, rather than gripping it too much the other way.

Drills to fix a slice with a driver

To address a slice with a driver, here are some drills you can try:

  • Wrist Extension: Work on reducing the extension in your lead wrist during your swing.
  • Clubface Alignment: Focus on squaring the clubface at impact.
  • Arm and Wrist Rotation: Rotate and release your arms and wrists properly.

Fixing a slice golf with swing align

Proper ball positioning is crucial in rectifying a golf slice, specifically the club path, club face, and swing’s low point. Although there is no universal answer, golfers who tend to slice often have their ball positioned excessively forward. The further forward the ball is, the more challenging it becomes to approach it from the inside and make solid contact. For drivers, the generally accepted ball position is near the front heel, while for short irons, it is positioned towards the back-middle. As you progress through the set, the ball typically shifts back in the stance. By aligning your swing, you can effectively address and rectify a golf slice.

Techniques to correct a slice in golf

To rectify a slice in golf, consider these techniques:

  • Left hand grip: Ensure a proper grip with your left hand.
  • Right hand grip: Pay attention to your grip with your right hand.
  • Left wrist position: Maintain the correct positioning of your left wrist.
  • Release: Focus on the release of the club through impact.

Remember to begin by mastering your grip and setup before addressing in-swing principles. The golf swing is a series of events, and understanding the foundational elements is crucial.

Golf slice practice – Bringing it all together

The golf slice practice
The golf slice practice

To consolidate your golf swing improvements and specifically address slicing, follow these practice steps:

  • Begin by focusing on improving your club face when you head to the range, as previously discussed.
  • Start with 10 shots using a wedge or 9-iron, concentrating on these changes.
  • Progress to hitting 10 shots with a 7-iron, starting with three-quarter swings and gradually increasing to 80-85% of full speed.
  • As you transition to your driver, be aware that you may revert to old swing habits and try to swing faster.
  • Instead of hitting 20 consecutive poor shots with your driver, alternate between your 7-iron and driver (5 balls each). Focus on transferring the good habits from your iron swing to your driver swing.

FAQs: Fix slice golf

What is the Hank Haney golf slice fix?

The Hank Haney golf slice fix involves gradually adapting to specific sequences to establish a solid foundation for your golf swing. Haney emphasizes a strong clubface position while incorporating a clockwise motion during practice landings. This approach is particularly effective for golfers who tend to slice, helping them break away from their customary counter-clockwise or ‘over-the-top’ tendencies.

How do you fix a slice golf in 5 minutes?

To fix a slice in your golf swing within 5 minutes, it’s important to focus on your grip, alignment, and swing path. Ensure that you have a neutral grip, aim your body and clubface correctly, and swing along an inside-out path. Practicing these adjustments will help you straighten out your shots and eliminate the slice.

Will a stronger grip fix my slice golf?

A stronger grip can indeed be an effective solution for fixing a golf slice. Many golfers experience a slice due to an open clubface at impact, and a stronger grip can help square things up.

What is the one shot slice golf fix method?

The one-shot slice golf fix method refers to a technique that addresses a specific issue in golf. It focuses on the path of the club and the club face angle to rectify any slicing tendencies during a swing. With this method, even if the path is slightly to the left, the open club face will cause the ball to slice in relation to that path.

Is there a driver that fixes a slice golf?

For golfers seeking a driver that effectively addresses a slice, Callaway’s Paradym X is an exemplary choice. As the 2023 club lineups from various prominent equipment manufacturers hit the market, it becomes paramount to assess the available options in order to enhance your game. Consider this guide a valuable roadmap for exploring potential drivers that can help to rectify a slice in your golf shots.

Where do you put weight on a driver to fix a slice golf?

To correct a slice in golf, you should position the weight on the heel of the driver. This helps the driver face fight side spin and generates a straighter ball flight for improved accuracy and distance off the tee. If your driver does not have moveable weights, you can apply lead tape to the heel as an alternative to add additional weight.

6 thoughts on “How To Fix Slice Golf? – Best Golf Slice Practice Guide”

  1. There are many ways to “fix” a slice, or promote a draw. There’s really no way to tell someone how to fix their slice without seeing their swing. There are too many variables that come into play. I could give you a list of possible reasons you slice, but without seeing your swing path, and determining why you slice the ball, advice n this forum, about your swing, will probably only frustrate you.

  2. Rick, thank you so much for this post. I implemented the drills in today’s round. Once everything started left, adjusted my aim and then it happened…my first ever eagle! 250 yard drive and a 40 yard chip into the cup! Thank you so much for the post!!

  3. TLDR: 1. Strong grip and 2. Club pointing downwards – 3 times a week (50 balls each day). No slice for life. 🙂

    I used to have a very bad slice. Sometimes the ball will go 50 yards to the right. I was struggling to keep the ball straight. To fix this I saw plenty of videos but none of them were effective for me.
    This video however was a game changer. Within a week, I was hitting the ball dead straight. Go to the range regularly for 3 weeks (3 days in a week would be enough) and hit 50 balls with the following two techniques as suggested in the video
    1. Strong grip
    2. Club face pointing downwards
    You will start seeing the difference from day 2 or max by day 4. Be patient, keep your head down and do the hard work. You’ll be better. Driver according to me sets the mood for the entire hole, cuz its the first shot. It is crucial to get the tempo and the mood right early on in the game.

  4. This is fantastic, thank you kindly for taking the write this out.

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