What Are Skins In Golf? | Guide on How To Play Skins Golf

If you are a golfer, then like most players out there, you have probably heard of the enigmatic “skins”. What exactly are these mysterious skins? Where do they come from and how can you benefit from them in your golf game? In this blog post we will be exploring all aspects of skins in golf. From their origins to practical strategies for maximizing their effectiveness, we cover it all. So, if curious about what are skins in golf and why they exist within the sport of golf, read on as we uncover the truth behind this fascinating topic.

What is golf format?

The golf format
The golf format

The golf format commonly used in professional and competitive tournaments is stroke play. In this format, participants count the total number of strokes taken on each hole and sum them at the end of the round. The player with the lowest number of strokes is declared the winner.

What are skins in golf?

Skins in golf is a match play format typically played with three or four players. Each hole is won by the player with the lowest score, earning them ‘the skin’. When multiple players tie, the skin carries over to the next hole, increasing its value. At the end of the game, players settle up based on the number of skins they have.

Why are they called skins in golf?

The game type in golf known as “skins” is believed to have originated from the traditional prize awarded to winners – a money bag made of animal skin. Another theory suggests it may have emerged as a slang term for a one-dollar bill. Interestingly, the game was referred to by various regional names like cats, scats, skats, and syndicates. However, “skins” became the official name, possibly because it was the most familiar term among PGA tour organizers.

Variations of skins in golf

The game of skins in golf has a few notable variations:

Whole Round Skins Game

Whole Round Skins Golf Game
Whole Round Skins Golf Game

In this version, players contribute money to a pot at the beginning of the round. The player with the lowest score for each round earns a skin, and the accumulated money is divided among those who earned skins.

Back It Up Skins Game

Here, players have the option to “back it up” by carrying winnings forward to the next hole. If a player wins a hole and chooses to back it up, the next skin is worth double if won. If another player wins the hole, they only win the original value of the two holes.

PGA Tour Skins Game

This was an official tournament on the PGA Tour from 1983 to 2008. It used a progressive payout structure, with varying prize amounts assigned to different groups of holes.

4+ Match

This variation allows for more than four players to participate, but any ties are not carried over to the next hole.

No Carry Over

In this variation, tied holes do not result in the value of the skin moving to the next hole. Instead, the value remains unclaimed.


In validation, a player must win a skin and then subsequently make the lowest score on the next hole to validate that win. If a player fails to validate, the value of the skin gets “stolen” by the player with the lowest score.

Rules of skins in golf

Rules of skins golf
Rules of skins golf

In a round of skins golf, also known as a skins game, golfers compete against each other in a foursome. A skin is awarded to the golfer who posts the lowest score for each hole, with no skin being awarded in the event of a tie. The golfer who accumulates the most skins is declared the winner.

Legality of skins in golf

Skins in golf are a legal and widely accepted format of the game. In fact, they have been a staple in many professional tournaments for decades and continue to be popular among amateur players as well. However, there are some restrictions on skins games in certain regions or countries due to gambling laws.

How to play skins in golf?

In golf, the skins format is typically played among three or four players. Each hole is contested separately, with the golfer who achieves the lowest score winning the skin for that hole. However, when two or more players tie for the low score, the skin carries over to the next hole, resulting in its value being doubled. At the conclusion of the game, players settle up based on the number of skins they have accumulated. This format adds an intriguing element to match play, making it an engaging variation in golf.

How do you win skins in golf?

In a round of skins golf, where golfers compete against each other, a skin is won by the golfer who posts the lowest score on each hole. In case of a tie, no skin is awarded. The golfer with the highest number of skins accumulated during the round is declared the winner.

How do you handicap skins in golf?

Skins games in golf can be handicapped to ensure fair competition among players of different skill levels. Here’s an example of how to handicap skins:

  • Determine the handicaps of each player. For instance, Player A has a handicap of 5, Player B has a handicap of 9, and Player C has a handicap of 15.
  • Using Player A’s handicap as the reference, calculate the difference in handicaps between each player. In this case, Player B would receive 4 strokes (9 – 5) and Player C would receive 10 strokes (15 – 5).
  • Allocate the strokes to the most challenging holes on the course. Player B would receive 1 stroke on each of the 4 most difficult holes, and Player C would receive 1 stroke on each of the 10 most challenging holes.

Handicapping skins games allows players with higher handicaps to have a fair chance of winning against better players.

5 thoughts on “What Are Skins In Golf? | Guide on How To Play Skins Golf”

  1. In golf, “skinning the ball” refers to hitting the ball too hard, resulting in a loss of distance. Skinning the ball can also result in a loss of control, making it difficult to keep the ball on the fairway or green.

  2. In many sports, you can “play for skins” instead of using the traditional scoring system.

    In golf, each hole you win is a “skin” (some people will choose to assign 2 skins to the last hole, or particularly hard holes). So in a foursome, the person with the lowest score for a hole wins the skin. If there is a tie between the two best scores, the skin for that hole is pushed to the next hole, which is now worth 2. All players (even the ones who didn’t tie for the win last hole) are eligible for those 2 skins. This can be seen as a more “fun” way to keep score, because even if you have one awful hole, it only costs you one skin (or none if the hole is tied).

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