What Is A Shamble In Golf? | Everything You To Know

Have you ever been to a golf course and seen people walking around seemingly aimlessly, gathering up their golf balls from odd places? Have you ever wondered why they’re doing that? Well, it might be because they were playing in what is called a shambles game. A shambles can be an interesting and challenging way of enjoying the game of golf – if you know exactly how it works. In this post, I’ll take an extensively in-depth look at the ins and outs of what is a shamble in golf and provide some tips on how to succeed when playing it. So if you’re looking to advance your knowledge or improve at this style of the game, read on.

What Is A Shamble In Golf?

A “shamble” is a golf tournament format in which a team of golfers selects the best drive among them after teeing off. Each player then plays their own golf ball from that position into the hole. The team score is determined by counting the best balls of the team.

Differences Between A Shamble And Scramble

The key differences between a shamble and a scramble lie in the format. In a shamble, just like in a scramble, each player tees off. However, subsequent shots are played from the “best” lie as determined by the team. Conversely, in a scramble, every player takes a shot from the tee and continues from the team-selected “best” lie.

Golf Shamble: The Pros And Cons

There are several advantages and disadvantages to playing in a shamble tournament, which can make it an exciting or frustrating experience for many golfers.


  • The “best drive” aspect of the game allows for each player to contribute their strengths to the team’s success.
  • It can be a great way for players of different skill levels to play together and still have a fair chance.
  • It adds an element of strategy to the game, as players must decide which shot would be best for the team.


  • Playing from the “best” position can become repetitive and less challenging for skilled players.
  • The format may feel unfair to players who consistently hit great drives but are unable to contribute on subsequent shots.
  • With the team score being based on the best balls, it can feel like individual performances are not as important.

How To Play The Shamble Format?

The Shamble format is a type of golf tournament in which a team of golfers selects the best drive after teeing off. Each player then plays their own golf ball from that position into the hole. The team’s score is determined by the best balls among them. Here is a guide on how to play the Shamble format:

  1. Tee off and select the best drive among the team members.
  2. Each player plays their own golf ball from that position.
  3. Take the best score among the team members for each hole.
  4. Continue this process until all the holes are completed.
  5. Count the best scores for each hole to determine the team’s final score.
How To Play The Shamble Format?

How Do You Calculate Your Team Score?

To calculate a team’s score, simply add up the scores of all players. The game result is determined by comparing the scores of the teams. Now, let’s discuss how to calculate each player’s average score throughout a season.

How Do You Keep Score In A Shamble?

In a shamble format, the team score is determined by combining the highest and lowest scores of the team members, while disregarding the extreme values. The sum of the middle two scores becomes the team score.

Does Handicap Apply During A Shamble?

Yes, handicap can apply during a shamble tournament. In order to make the game fair for players of different skill levels, the team’s handicap is usually calculated by taking into consideration the individual handicaps of each player and applying it to their best scores. This allows for a more level playing field and creates an opportunity for all players to contribute to the team’s success.

Where Do You Play A Shamble/Scramble?

A shamble or scramble game can be played on any golf course that offers a team tournament format. These tournaments are popular among amateur players, and many golf courses offer regular shambles or scrambles for their members to participate in. Additionally, some charity events also use the shamble or scramble format as a way to raise money for a good cause. So if you’re interested in playing a shamble game, check with your local golf course or charity organizations to see if they have any upcoming events. Remember, the key to enjoying a shamble is understanding the rules and strategies involved. So go out there, gather your team of players, and have fun on the golf course.

Tips To Remember When Playing A Shamble Golf Tournament

Tips To Remember When Playing A Shamble Golf Tournament
  • Prioritize Communication: Clear and effective communication with your teammates is critical in the shamble format. Ensure that everyone is on the same page by discussing shot selection, potential hazards, and strategies for each hole.
  • Teamwork is Key: Remember, a shamble tournament is a team effort. Work together with your teammates to maximize your chances of success.
  • Be Strategic: Take the time to analyze each hole and plan your shots accordingly. Consider both the strengths and weaknesses of your team members when deciding who should take the shots.
  • Practice Beforehand: Familiarize yourself with the shamble format by practicing with your team before the tournament. This will help you develop a better understanding of each other’s playing styles and improve coordination.
  • Enjoy the Experience: Above all, remember to have fun and enjoy the tournament. Shamble golf is a unique format that allows for a blend of individual and team play, creating a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

FAQ: Shamble In Golf

What is a 2 person shamble in golf?

A 2-Man Team Shamble format in golf involves selecting the best tee shot from both players, after which each player plays their own ball from that position into the hole. The score that is recorded is the better score between the two players.

What is a Florida vs Texas Scramble?

A Florida Scramble, also referred to as Dropout Scramble, Step Aside, Stand Aside, or Stand Out, differs from some forms of Texas Scramble. In a Florida Scramble, the player whose shot is selected does not play the following shot.

2 thoughts on “What Is A Shamble In Golf? | Everything You To Know”

  1. In a shamble, you’re on a team of 4 people everyone hits a drive and then you choose the best drive and all play out the hole from there. To make it a 321 shamble, some holes will be designated as a 3, a 2, or a 1 (decided before the round). For a 3 hole, your team takes the best 3 scores you all had, for a 2 hole the best 2 scores, etc.

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